LECTURE HALL FOR ACCELERATED PhD.IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND DIPLOMACY CLASS INSTRUCTIONTake your lectures, do a Word/PDF Document and Video Theses or Resume on the Lectures Relevant to your study.Submit to University Admin and Request your Personalized Certificate(85 Credit Hour) COURSE LICENSE: OPENCOURSEWARE ACCREDITATION & REFERENCE Lecture 1 PhD. ClassPrishtina Institute for Political Studies Lecture 2 Phd. ClassQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSCenter for International Social Science Research, University of Chicago: PAUL POAST POST GRADUATE STEP UP LECTURESElective (Optional) for Msc or PGD Graduates Lecture 1POWER AND POLITICS IN TODAY`S WORLDInstitute for Social Social & Policy Studies & of Management: Prof. Ian Shapiro Lecture 2ADVENT OF A UNIPOLAR WORLD: NATO & EU EXPANSIONInstitute for Social & Policy Studies & of Management: Prof: Iam Shapiro UNDER GRADUATE STEP-UP LECTURESElective (Optional) for Graduates Lecture 1What is International Relations and why should you careBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 2The Emergence of the Modern International SystemBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 3The Role of Theory in Understanding International RelationsRob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 4Theoretical Perspective: Realism & LiberalismBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 5Theoretical Perspectives: Marxism and ConstructivismBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 6Theoretical Perspectives: Feminism and Making Sense of Competing PerspectivesBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 7Foreign PolicyBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 8International Organizations and LawBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 9Non-Governmental OrganizationsBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 10International SecurityBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 11TerrorismBy Bob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 12International Political EconomyBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 13Global Trade & FinanceBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 14Poverty & Economic DevelopmetBy Rob Glover: University of Maine Lecture 15The Global EnvironmentBy Rob Glover: uNiversity of Maine Lecure 16Thinking about the Future of International RelationsBy Rob Glover: Maine University REQUEST CERTIFICATE