Security & Criminology Full Course Content

Course content:
Week 1
  • Introduction and definition
  • Loss prevention
  • Systematic risk
  • Nonsystematic risk
  • Security risk management
  • Work place
Week 2
  • Types of security threats
  • External
  • Internal
  • Risk avoidance
  • Risk reduction
  • Risk spreading
  • Risk transfer
  • Risk acceptance
Week 3
  • Security policy implementation
  • Economic risk
  • Health
  • Health, safety and environment
Week 4
  • Social aspect of risk
  • Information technology and information security
  • Information assurance and information security
  • Insurance
  • Business and management
  • In human service
Week 5
  • High security organizations
  • Financial risk
  • Financial auditing risk
Week 6
  • Security: At your own risk!
  • Human factor: Decision theory and prospect theory
  • Psychology of risk taking
  • Maintenance
  • Risk assessment and analysis
  • Fear as intuitive risk assessment
Week 7
  • Anxiety, risk and decision making
  • Consequence of anxiety
  • Dread risk
  • Anxiety and judgmental accuracy
  • Other consequences: risk and uncertainty
  • Measurement of uncertainty
  • Risk
  • Measurement of risk
Week 8
  • Risk attitude, appetite and tolerance
  • Risk as a vector quantity
Week 9
  • Civil defense
  • Introduction
  • History and origin
  • United Kingdom
  • United states
  • Today
  • Importance
  • Threat assessment
  • Conventional
  • Nuclear
  • Dirty bombs
  • Biological
  • Chemical
Week 10
  • Stages of security
  • Mitigation
  • Preparation
  • Response
  • Recovery
  • Implementation
Week 11
  • Police and policing
  • The history of modern policing: how modern policing evolved
  • The beginning of modern policing
  • Early public opposition to the police force
  • Principle of policing: the way and how of policing
  • Gaining public support for police
Week 12
  • Guardians or warriors: the changing role of law enforcement
  • Creating a smarter police force for the 21st century
  • Public scrutiny of police practices
  • Eroding trust, eroding effectiveness
  • Peelian principles of policing
  • The jaded warrior
  • Guardians of democracy: back to basics
  • High hopes for the future of policing
Week 13
  • Fighting crime means more than just enforcing law
  • The concept of law enforcement
  • Concept of policing
  • Difference between law enforcement and policing
  • Why does knowing the difference matters
Week 14
  • The use of social networking in law enforcement
  • Using social media to salve crimes
  • Finding people who need help through social media
  • Using social networking for police community outreach
  • The use of social media in hiring decision
  • Sharing technology and tactics through social media
Week 15
  • Community oriented policing
  • How police officers, criminologists and community leaders work together
  • Professor Goldstein and problems-oriented policing
  • Building law enforcement and community partnership
  • Problem salving, and the SARA model in policing
  • Finding long term solution for police and communities
Week 16
  • Criminal justice
  • What is criminal justice?
  • What is the difference between criminal justice and criminology?
  • What are the components of criminal justice system
  • The history of crime and punishment
  • Modern policing
  • Explore career in criminal justice
Week 17
  • What is the difference between criminology and criminal justice?
  • What is criminology?
  • What is criminal justice?
  • Criminal justice and criminology career
  • All about criminology
  • Career in criminal justice
  • Something for everyone in criminology career
Week 18
  • What is criminology (technical?)
  • Learn about the study of crime, its courses and its consequences
  • Etymology of criminology
  • Who is a criminologist?
  • School of thoughts within criminology
  • How criminology improves society
  • Career in criminology
Week 19
  • The history of criminology
  • Crime and criminology: from the ancient to its renaissance
  • Ancient view of crime and punishment
  • The first law and codes
  • Religion and crime
  • Early philosophy and crime
  • Secular law and society
  • Crime and punishment in the middle ages
  • Foundation for the modern view of crime
Week 20
  • Environmental criminology
  • Four elements of crime
  • Focus on the environment
  • Crime mapping
  • Identifying patterns
  • Broken windows theory
  • Career potential
Week 21
  • Crime analyst career profile
  • What do crime analysts do?
  • What are the requirements to be a crime analyst?
  • Private investigation career profile
  • History of private investigation
  • What private investigators do
  • What education and skills are required for private investigators?
  • How much money can a private investigator earn?
Week 22
  • Technology that are changing the way police do business
  • How police can use GOOGLE GLASS, HOLOLENS and AUGMENTAL REALITY to salve crime
  • How police can use social media to salve crime and engage the public
  • How law enforcement use biometric for crime, data security and identification
  • How police can use tablets and smart phones to salve crime
  • Automatic tags and license plate readers technics for the police
  • Law enforcement use of GPS
Week 23
  • Criminology career
  • Use of technology in criminal justice
  • Video recording
  • In-car computers
  • Rapid identification
  • Evidence property reporting
  • Computer aided dispatch
  • Case management
  • Preparing for success
Week 24
  • Law enforcement officers job information
  • Guide, direct and implementing new technology for your police department
  • What does a law enforcement technology officer do?
  • What are the requirements to be a law enforcement technology officer?
  • Where and how can a law enforcement technology officer train?
  • What is the salary level of a law enforcement technology officer?
  • What are the job prospects for a law enforcement technology officer?
  • Why you should consider becoming a law enforcement technology officer
Week 25
  • How to become a criminal profiler
  • Get competitive
  • Physical fitness requirement
  • Background investigation
  • Training
Week 26
  • How to be a firearm and ballistic expert
  • Learn more about forensic science career
  • A clear background investigation
  • What makes you competitive for firearms and ballistics specialist job?
  • Learn how to get the experience you need for the job you want
  • Skills you need to succeed in forensic firearms and ballistics expert career
  • Becoming a forensic firearms and ballistic expert