The Masters of Science (Msc.) in International Relations and Diplomacy program offers a unique blend of academic education in international relations and political science with practical graduate education and training in the areas of international negotiation and diplomacy. In the current era of global interdependence, collaborative efforts are needed to meet the most pressing challenges in international politics, security and economics. Increased transnational channels of communication, global trade and capital flows characterize an increasingly interconnected world of both nation-states and non-state actors. Resulting challenges concerning global governance can be met most effectively by patterns of international and transnational cooperation and diplomacy.

Language and Management University of Campinas has long pursued an international orientation and The Hague hosts a large number of international institutions and organizations, among them the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, the Yugoslavia Tribunal, and Europol.

This Master’s of Science program prepares students for careers specifically in international diplomacy, international governmental and non-governmental organizations, national and international public administrations, ‘think tanks’ and research institutions, international interest associations or international business.

  • Diplomatic skills modules (e.g., negotiation, diplomatic reporting, economic statecraft, communication and media outreach, multilateral diplomacy);

  • Simulations and practicum focused on global issues in which participants negotiate, lead, collaborate in teams, make decisions and produce written products;

  • Global affairs modules: lectures, discussions and debates on some of the most complex diplomatic challenges of the 21st century (e.g., transnational security threats, energy, civil society, regional issues);

  • Perspectives on the craft of effective diplomacy from senior-level diplomats and practitioners;

This experiential learning exposes participants to the complexity of negotiating with nations and entities that have diverse interests and competing positions on issues in the scenario. The key learning objective is the realistic search for shared interests that permits progress toward conflict resolution, sustainable development, humanitarian crisis mitigation and political accommodation.


Course overview

 The academic calendar is divided into 28 weeks of self – paced immerssion and accelerated learning program


Week 1

  • Introduction to the program


Week 2

  • Commonwealth of independent states (CIS)

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Membership and member states and associate states

  • Government

  • Human rights

  • Military

Week 3

  • Collective security treaty organization (CST)

  • CIS free trade area

  • Eurasian economic community

  • Common economic space

Week 4

  • Organization of Central ASIAN Cooperation

  • Community for democracy and rights of Nations

  • Russian language status

  • Sports events

Week 5

  • The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

  • Introduction

  • Member states

  • Structure

  • Regional security cooperation

  • Community parliament

  • Expanded ECOWAS commission

  • Community court of justice (ECOWAS court)

  • Sporting and cultural exchange

Week 6

  • West African Economic and Monetary Union

  • Membership

  • West Africa Monetary zone

  • Transport

Week 7

  • European Union (EU)

  • Introduction to the EU

  • History of the EU and the history of Europe

  • Treaty of Rome

  • Maastricht treaty

  • Structural evolution: Treaties of the EU

  • Geography of the EU

  • Environment

  • Demographics

  • Urbanization

  • Languages

  • Religion

Week 8

  • Education and science of the EU

  • Health care

  • Politics

  • Member states of the EU

  • Institutions of the EU

  • Council of Europe

  • Relation between the EU and its electorate

  • Constitutional Nature of the EU

Week 9

  • Governance

  • Institutions and legislation of the European Union

  • Competences

  • Legal system

  • Fundamental rights

  • Area of freedom, security and justice

  • Foreign relations

  • Military

  • Economy

  • Internal market: European single market

Week 10

  • Monetary union: Eurozone and economic monetary union of the EU

  • Energy policy of the EU

  • Infrastructure

  • Common Agriculture policy

  • Competition: EU competition law and European commission for competition

Week 11

  • Culture

  • Culture of Europe, western culture and cultural policies of the EU

  • Sports: sports policies of the European union and sports in Europe

  • Media: media freedom in the EU and cinema of Europe

Week 12

  • The Group of 8 (G8)

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Food

  • Russia: participation and suspension 2014

  • Structure and activities

  • Global energy and international partnership for energy

  • Efficiency cooperation and climate investment funds

  • Annual summit

  • Membership facts

  • Criticism

  • Relevance

  • Youth 8 summit

Week 13

  • Group of 20 (G20)

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Summits

  • Organization

  • Proposed permanent secretariat

  • Leaders

  • G20 agenda

  • Criticisms

Week 14

  • Global governance group (3G) Response

  • Foreign policy critiques

Week 15

  • League of Nations

  • Establishment

  • Language and symbols

  • Principal organs

  • Mandates: league of Nations mandate

  • Resolving territorial disputes: many battles scenarios and multiple case studies

  • Organ and structure

  • Global representation

  • Collective security

Week 16

  • Organization of American states (OAS)

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Goals and purpose

  • Organizational structure

  • Membership and adhesion

  • Canada and the OAS

  • Status of Cuba

  • Official language

Week 17

  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Legal bases and membership

  • Dependent territories

  • Shareholding structure

  • Governance

  • Environmental records

Week 18

  • New development Bank

  • Introduction

  • Structure and objective

  • Membership

  • Activities

  • Relations with other institutions

  • Bankers

  • Logo and identity

Week 19

  • Asian Development Bank

  • Introduction

  • Organization

  • History

  • Objective and activities> focus areas

  • Financing

  • Access to information

  • Notable projects and technical assistance

  • Criticism

  • List of 20 largest countries and regions by subscribed capital and voting power

Week 20

  • Membership of the Asian Development Bank

Week 21

  • African Development Bank (ADB)

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Group entities

  • African development fund

  • Nigeria trust fund

  • Management and control

  • Functions

  • Status

  • Recent trend and direction

  • Prospects

Week 22

  • African development bank annual conference

  • Membership

  • List of 20 countries by voting powers

  • Development business

Week 23

  • Bank of international settlement (BIS)

  • Introduction

  • Organization of central banks

  • Requisite capital adequacy

  • Goals

  • Roles of banking supervision

  • Members

  • Leadership

Week 24

  • International monetary fund (IMF)

  • Functions

  • Surveillance of the global economy

  • Conditionality for loans

  • Structural adjustment

  • Benefits

Week 25

  • History of the IMF

  • Membership

  • Qualification

  • List of managing directors

  • Voting powers

  • Overcoming borrower and creditor divide

  • IMF and globalization

  • Criticism

  • Conditionality

  • Reform, function and policies

  • Support of dictatorship

Week 26

  • Impact on access to food

  • Impact on public health

  • Scandals

  • Alternatives

  • In the media

Week 27

  • Islamic development bank

  • Introduction

  • Membership

  • IDB group

  • Projects and programs: completed and ongoing

Week 28

  • Diplomacy: Meaning, Nature, Functions and Role in Crisis Management