To introduce you to this program, we will first give you our course content for previouse lectures that is outside the scope of our exclusive doctorate program.

If you have not learned any of the previous lectures and courses, it is strongly recormended that you take those course, to be properlly grounded as our doctorate graduate.

What we do here, is to allow you make a list of the courses and lectures you have never taken, we will package it and you take them so we can grant you eqivallent credit hours.


Our doctorate program is an immerssion accelerated self paced program.


Week 1

  • Introduction

Week 2

  • World bank

  • Introduction

  • The world bank group

  • History

  • Criteria

  • Leadership

  • List of presidents

  • List of chief economists

  • List of world bank members

  • Voting powers

  • Poverty reduction strategies

Week 3

  • Climate change

  • Food security

  • Training wind – world bank institute

  • Country assistance strategies

  • United Nations development business

  • Open knowledge repository

  • Criticism

  • Structural adjustment

  • Sovereign immunity

  • Controversy

Week 4

  • World Trade Organization (WTO)

  • Introduction

  • History

  • General agreement on tariff and trade (GATT)

  • Urugua round

  • Ministerial conferences

  • Doha development round

  • Functions


Week 5

  • Principle of trade system in WTO

  • Organizational structure of WTO

  • Decision making

  • Dispute settlement in WTO

  • Accession and membership

  • Accession process

  • Agreement

  • Office of Director – General and list of Director – Generals

Week 6

  • European Court of Human Rights

  • Introduction

  • History and structure

  • Protocol 14 reforms

  • Judges: list of judges of the European Court of Human rights

  • Plenary court and administration

  • Jurisdiction

  • Application by individual

  • Case examples

Week 7

  • Procedures and decisions of European Court of Human rights

  • Relationships with other courts

  • Criticism

  • Architecture: European Court of Human Rights building


Week 8

  • United Nations Human Rights Committee

  • Introduction

  • Inter – state communication

  • Individual complaint (communication) to the committee

  • Who can bring a complaint before the human rights committee

  • What the complaint must include

  • Complaints procedures

Week 9

  • Admissibility

  • Merits

  • Following a decision

  • Notable jurisprudence

  • Members

  • State reporting

  • Aims and objective of the state reporting system

  • NGO reports

Week 10

  • Nature of the state reporting process

  • Advantages and disadvantages

  • Effectiveness of the state reporting system

  • Solutions

  • Future alternatives

  • State reporting on the ICCPR in New Zealand

  • General comment 34 on freedom of opinion and expression

Week 11

  • Inter – American court of human rights

  • Introduction

  • Purpose and function

  • Criticisms

  • Composition

  • Current judges

  • Former presidents of the court[

  • Former members of the court

  • Notable cases heard by the court

Week 12

  • International Criminal Court (ICC)

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Structure

  • State parties

  • Assembly of state parties

Week 13

  • Organs of the court (ICC)

  • Environmental crimes

  • Registry

  • Jurisdiction and admissibility

  • Subject – matter jurisdiction

Week 14

  • Offenses against the administration of justice

  • Procedure of trails

  • Rights of accused

  • Victim participation

  • Reparations

  • Co-operations by states not party to the Rome statute

Week 15

  • Amnesties and National reconciliation processes

  • Facilities

  • Architecture

  • Detention centers

  • Finance

Week 16

  • Trial history to date – 2017

  • Investigation and preliminary examinations

  • Overview of cases currently active

  • Relationships

  • Criticisms

  • AU withdrawal proposal

  • Checks and balances

  • Limitations

Week 17

  • Unintentional consequences

  • State cooperation

Week 18

  • International criminal tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

  • Introduction

  • The Rwandan genocide

  • Establishment of the ICTR

  • ICTR structure

  • Office of the prosecutor

  • The registry

Week 19

  • Related legal activities of the ICTR

  • Indictees: list of people indicted by the ICTR

Week 20

  • International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

  • Introductions

  • History and creation

  • Implementation

  • Operations

  • Accomplishments

Week 21

  • Planned closure

  • Organization

  • Prosecutors

  • Chambers

  • Judges

  • Registry

Week 22

  • Detention facilities of the ICTY

  • Indictees: list of people indicted in the international criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

  • Active cases

Week 23

  • Criticism

  • Response to criticism

Week 24

  • United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

  • Introduction

  • Structure

  • Sessions

  • Members

  • Presidents

Week 25

  • Subsidiary bodies that directly report to the UNHRC

  • Complaint procedures

  • Filing of complain

  • Special procedures: United Nations special rapporteur

  • Independent experts

  • Working group

Week 26

  • Country – specific mandate holders

  • International response to election of Richard folks as the special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory

  • Specific issues

  • January 2008 decree

Week 27

  • Gaza report

  • United Nations fact finding mission on the Gaza conflict

  • March 2011 controversy

  • The hosting of a Hamas member controversy

  • March 2012 criticism

  • Defamation of religion and the United States

Week 28

  • Climate change – rights to environmental protection

  • The Eritrea report

  • Candidacy of Syria

  • Candidacy of Sudan and Ethopia

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Bloc voting

  • Country positions

Week 29

  • Court of justice of the African Union

  • Introduction

  • African court on human and people’s rights

  • Mission

  • Mandate

  • strategic objectives

  • Location and jurisdiction

  • Judgments

  • Composition of the courts

  • Former judges

  • Planned merger with the African court of justice

Week 30

  • European Court of Justice

  • Introduction

  • History

  • Overview

  • Composition – list of members of the European court of Justice

Week 31

  • Jurisdiction and powers of the European Court of Justice

  • Action for failure to fulfill obligation: infringement procedure

  • Action for annulment

  • Action for failure to act

  • Application for compensation based on non – contractual liability

  • Appeal on point of law

  • Reference for a preliminary ruling

Week 32

  • Procedure and working languages

  • Location of European union institutions

  • Landmark decisions

  • Criticism

Week 33

  • International court of justice

  • Introduction

  • Activities

  • Composition

  • Jurisdiction

  • Contentious issues

Week 34

  • ICJ and the security council

  • Example of contentious cases: list of ICJ cases

  • Law applied: sources of international law

  • Procedures

  • Preliminary objections

  • Application to intervene

  • Judgment and remedies

  • Criticisms

Week 35

  • International tribunal for the law of the sea

  • Introduction

  • Composition

Week 36

  • United Nations Security council

  • Introduction

  • History: background and creation

  • Cold war

  • Post – cold war

  • Roles of stakeholders


Week 37

  • Members of UNSC

  • Permanent members

  • Veto powers

  • President of the United Nations – Security council

Week 38

  • Subsidiary organs and Bodies of the UNSC

  • United Nations Peace Keeping and list of peace keeping missions

  • Criticism and evaluation

Week 39

  • Membership reform of the UNSC

Week 40

  • Council for security cooperation in the Asia pacific

  • Introduction

  • Purpose

  • Theory

  • History

Week 41

  • List of regimes

Week 42

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • Introduction

  • History: from the beginning

  • Cold war

  • Détente and escalation

  • After the cold war: NATO Russia relations

Week 43

  • Enlargement and reform of NATO

  • Military operations

  • Iraq training mission

  • Gulf of Aden anti – piracy operation ocean shield

  • Participating countries

  • Partnership: Foreign relations of NATO

Week 44

  • NATO parliamentary assembly

  • Military structure of NATO

Week 45

  • Shanghai cooperative society (SCO)

  • Introduction

  • Origin

  • Organizational structure

  • Membership

  • Dialogue partners

  • Guest attendance

Week 46

  • Future membership possibility of SCO

  • Activities

  • Military activities

  • Economic cooperation

  • Relationship with west

Week 47

  • The geopolitical aspect of the SCO

  • Leaders of the SCO member states as at 2017 -2018

Week 48

  • South Asian Association for Regional cooperation (SAARC)

  • Introduction

  • Historical background

  • Members and observers

  • Regional centers

  • Political issues

Week 49

  • South Asian free trade area (SAFTA)

  • SAARC visa exemption scheme

  • Awards

  • Anthem

  • Secretaries – generals of SAARC

  • SAARC list of summits

  • Leaders of SAARC


  • Union of South American Nations

  • Introduction

  • Overview

  • Background history

  • Formation: CUSCO declaration

  • Naming

Week 51

  • The structure of Union of South American Nations

  • Secretaries – generals

  • Presidency pro tempore

  • Councils and bodies

  • Other institutions

Week 52

  • Council of South American defense

  • South American council of health

  • Demographics

  • Languages

  • Religion

  • Economy

Week 53

  • Common market: initiative for the integration of the regional infrastructure of South America

  • Economic development

  • Monetary policy: single South American currency and bank of the south

  • Defense policy

  • Democracy

  • Free movement of people

Week 54

  • Electoral monitors of the South American Nations

  • Participating Nations states

  • Participating non South American territories

  • Non – participating South American States and territories