Students in our professional executive Diploma in Arts of Leadership Studies comes to us from a variety of backgrounds and undergraduate majors. Many of our students work full-time or part-time while completing the program, and they include educators, nonprofit professionals, business leaders, educational administrators, consultants, and active duty military personnel.
Learning Outcomes
Objective Area: Leadership and Development Theories
Outcome 1: Our graduates will be able to articulate prominent leadership theories in Leadership Studies, analyze and critique these theories, and apply these theories in the course of addressing a variety of organizational issues and problems.
Objective Area: Critical Thinking and Analytical Approaches
Outcome 2: Students will select relevant information, organize and evaluate the information, and apply the information to issues of leadership.
Objective Area: Organizational Systems and Group Dynamics
Outcome 3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of key theories of organizational behavior and change, and to apply these theories in an organizational setting.
Objective Area: Cultural Competency Global Understanding
Outcome 4: Students will critically examine culture other than their own, and apply the knowledge gained in their personal and professional lives.
Objective Area: Self-Awareness
Outcome 5: Graduates will have an ability to reflect upon their own skills and limitations as leaders, evidenced by performance in working with groups.
Objective Area: Relating and thinking like past leader
Outcome 6: our graduates of the Leadership program will be able to align their thinking with the ideologies of past leaders and their leadership styles while salving present day leadership challenges.
Week 1
Introduction and course objective
Week 2
What is leadership
Leadership definition by great leaders like Warren Dennis, Bill Gates, John Maxwel etc
Characteristics of effective leadership
Breaking down leadership
Week 3
Example of leadership
Breaking down Michigan leadership studies
Servant leadership philosophy
Breaking down servant leadership philosophy
Price leadership
Breaking down price leadership
Week 4
Leadership succession planning (see our complete Diploma course on succession planning and Management here)
Breaking down leadership succession planning
Leadership grid
Breaking down leadership grid
Week 5
100 answers to the question: what is leadership
Week 6
Do you manage or do you lead
What do leaders say about leadership
Quotes from few notable leaders
The difference between leadership and management
Week 7
Types of leadership styles
Leadership styles of famous historic leaders
Queen Elizabeth 1, Montezuma 11, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Steve Jobs, Ronald Reagan, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Charles De Gaulle and Martin Luther King Jr. etc
Week 8
What does it mean learning about leadership
Why are effective leaders in short supply
Week 9
What is leadership presence and how it can be developed: an interview question and answer section between Lisa Bloom and Peter Bregman – enjoy it
The conversation on demystifying leadership presence
Learn the four core stories of leadership
Week 10
Skills good leaders need
Week 11
10 principles to unlock potential strategic leadership in an enterprise
System structure as applicable to top industry leaders
Week 12
9 non-threatening leadership strategies for women.