Students in our professional executive Diploma in Arts of Leadership Studies comes to us from a variety of backgrounds and undergraduate majors. Many of our students work full-time or part-time while completing the program, and they include educators, nonprofit professionals, business leaders, educational administrators, consultants, and active duty military personnel.

 Learning Outcomes

Objective Area: Leadership and Development Theories

Outcome 1: Our graduates will be able to articulate prominent leadership theories in Leadership Studies, analyze and critique these theories, and apply these theories in the course of addressing a variety of organizational issues and problems.

Objective Area: Critical Thinking and Analytical Approaches

Outcome 2: Students will select relevant information, organize and evaluate the information, and apply the information to issues of leadership.

Objective Area: Organizational Systems and Group Dynamics

Outcome 3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of key theories of organizational behavior and change, and to apply these theories in an organizational setting.

 Objective Area: Cultural Competency Global Understanding

Outcome 4: Students will critically examine culture other than their own, and apply the knowledge gained in their personal and professional lives.


Objective Area: Self-Awareness

Outcome 5: Graduates will have an ability to reflect upon their own skills and limitations as leaders, evidenced by performance in working with groups.

Objective Area: Relating and thinking like past leader

Outcome 6: our graduates of the Leadership program will be able to align their thinking with the ideologies of past leaders and their leadership styles while salving present day leadership challenges.


Week 1

  • Introduction and course objective

Week 2

  • What is leadership

  • Leadership definition by great leaders like Warren Dennis, Bill Gates, John Maxwel etc

  • Characteristics of effective leadership

  • Breaking down leadership

Week 3

  • Example of leadership

  • Breaking down Michigan leadership studies

  • Servant leadership philosophy

  • Breaking down servant leadership philosophy

  • Price leadership

  • Breaking down price leadership

Week 4

  • Leadership succession planning (see our complete Diploma course on succession planning and Management here)

  • Breaking down leadership succession planning

  • Leadership grid

  • Breaking down leadership grid

Week 5

  • 100 answers to the question: what is leadership

Week 6

  • Do you manage or do you lead

  • What do leaders say about leadership

  • Quotes from few notable leaders

  • The difference between leadership and management

Week 7

  • Types of leadership styles

  • Leadership styles of famous historic leaders

  • Queen Elizabeth 1, Montezuma 11, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Steve Jobs, Ronald Reagan, Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Charles De Gaulle and Martin Luther King Jr. etc

Week 8

  • What does it mean learning about leadership

  • Why are effective leaders in short supply

Week 9

  • What is leadership presence and how it can be developed: an interview question and answer section between Lisa Bloom and Peter Bregman – enjoy it

  • The conversation on demystifying leadership presence

  • Learn the four core stories of leadership

Week 10

  • Skills good leaders need

Week 11

  • 10 principles to unlock potential strategic leadership in an enterprise

  • System structure as applicable to top industry leaders

Week 12

  • 9 non-threatening leadership strategies for women.